
Mini Course: Introduction to Podcasting

free podcast mini course

Are you curious about podcasting?

Do you want to know more about what it is, how to get started and what the industry looks like? If so, then this mini course is for you! In this mini online course, we will provide an introduction to podcasting that will help clear up some common misconceptions and give you a better understanding of what is involved in starting your own show as well as an overview of the industry.

I hear it all the time from people interested in starting a podcast – “There are so many articles that give you so many options and information. It would be great to get some honest feedback about starting a podcast because it’s hard to take it all in.” Another frequent comment I hear is “I wish I had known this [insert whatever challenge] before starting my podcast.” Oftentimes the information people are looking for is even simpler than which equipment to choose or how to record. It’s along the lines of “what are the start-up costs?” ; “can I really make money, how?” or “what other things should I think about before starting a podcast?”

The Podcast Starter Mini Course

So, I decided to put together a mini course which will help address some of the common challenges and misconceptions about starting a podcast.

The Podcast Starter mini course is designed for people who are interested in starting their own show, but may be unsure of where to start or what is involved. The goal is not to give you all the answers, but rather provide you with enough information so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not podcasting is right for you.

The first chapter in this mini course is all about understanding what podcasts are and why they’re becoming increasingly popular. It will also give an overview of the industry, including some statistics. The mini course wraps up with dispelling some common misconceptions and give you a better understanding of what is involved in starting and running your own show.

Also included in the course is the Podcast Prerequisite Worksheet. This worksheet is designed to help you think through your motivations and goals for starting a podcast. It will also help you to identify any areas of podcasting that you may need further research on.

This mini course, won’t be teaching you how to record, edit your show or publish a podcast. It is meant to be only an introduction and brief overview.

Sign up for the course

The Podcast Starter Mini Course is perfect for anyone who wants to start a podcast but isn’t sure where to begin. It’s also great for those who want to learn more about the industry before making their first episode. You don’t need any prior knowledge or experience to take the course.

If you’re curious about starting a podcast but want to know more before taking the plunge, this mini course is for you! It only takes about 30 minutes to complete.

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