
5 Reasons Starting a Podcast is Still a Good Idea

the number 5 on a green background for 5 reasons starting a podcast is still a good idea

The world of podcasting is constantly evolving. Just a few years ago, it was considered a medium for hobbyists and amateurs. But in recent years, the landscape has changed dramatically, and podcasts have become one of the most popular forms of content on the internet.

If you’re reading this, then you’re considering starting a podcast and may still be on the fence about starting a podcast.  Maybe you’re thinking,

“Is it really time to start a podcast? Why should I start a podcast now? The market is saturated, there’s no new topic to explore.”

But you’re probably thinking of it anyway because despite what you may have heard, podcasting is still a viable option for businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals who want to share their message with the world. In this article, I will share 5 reasons why starting a podcast is still a good idea.

5 Reasons

Reason # 1: The barrier to entry is low.

Podcasts may be everywhere and more media companies, corporations and celebrities maybe getting into the industry but the barrier to entry is still low. Compared to other forms of content such as video, starting a podcast doesn’t require much investment on equipment. You’ll need a microphone, some accessories, recording software, editing software and an internet connection. You can start out with a very basic setup and grow your podcasting gear over time.

Reason # 2: Connect with Customers and Clients

One of the most important reasons to start a podcast is that it gives you a way to connect with customers, clients and prospects in an intimate way. The trick here is not to make your podcast an hour long infomercial about your company, products and services. People listen to podcasts that are interesting and create value, they don’t want to be constantly sold to.

Reason # 3: Tell stories important to your community. 

Podcasting is a great way to create content for underserved communities, shed light on issues affecting a community.  You can also use podcasting as a way to amplify the work of people in your community. In my case I started my podcast, because back on 2015 there were many podcast talking about the experience of Caribbean immigrants.

man on a train with headphones around his neck

Reason #4: It’s a great form of creative outlet.

I’ve learned that many successful entrepreneurs and business owners have a creative outlet that allows them to process their thoughts, share ideas connect with others on their show and feel fulfilled.  Podcasting is a great format if you want to build an audience while sharing your journey and message in an authentic way.

Reason #5: It’s a great way to learn and help others learn.

As a podcast host, I’ve learned a lot from my guests who are experts on various topics or just by them sharing their life stories. I’ve also had people reach out to me and tell me that they were able to take an action or apply something they learned from my show. 

The takeaway

People are fascinated with stories. Since the beginning of time, humans have been sharing their experiences and stories with others. By starting a podcast you can tell stories that your audience will find fascinating and educational at the same time. Whatever the reason you choose to start a podcast, make sure that you connect with the audience first to validate your idea. Yes, there are millions of Americans who listen to podcasts each month and that number is steadily increasing. However the key is to remember people listens to and tell others about shows they can relate to, find interesting and shows they love.

erested in starting a podcast? Check out this 30 minute mini course.

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